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atención al cliente 926 690 167 / 926 690 091

Horario de atención de 9:00/14:00h
de lunes a viernes. Excluidos Festivos nacionales.

Pure Sheep’s Milk Cheese in Lard

The Artisanal Sheep’s Milk Cheese in Lard is a full cheese with an intense flavour, perfect for those who like "strong tasting" cheese, but with an outer layer of Iberian pork lard that is incorporated in the curing process, with this special feature giving the cheese an unusual texture in addition to providing a great taste with a distinct nuance.

  • Artisanal Pozueleño Sheep
    Cheese in Lard
Quality Assurance We offer consumers a selection of cheeses from our Navaloshaces brand. They are all high quality and only differentiated in curing times and processes. From the factory to your home without breaking the cold chain in the process.
Agropecuaria Navaloshaces S.L.
Carretera de Almadén, km 15. 13190 Corral de Calatrava, CIUDAD REAL.